The problem is perfusion

Poor Perfusion Leads to Poor Healing



Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU)

Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)


Mortality Rate

Here are 9 things you probably didn't know about

Diabetes, Diabetic Foot Ulcers, and Critical Limb Ischemia


  • According to the International Diabetes Federation diabetes
    will reach 10.2% (578 million affected) by 2030 in the world.
  • Diabetes contributes to approximately 80% of the 120,000 non-traumatic amputations performed yearly in the United States Armstrong et al. Amer Fam Phys 1998
  • Black and Hispanic/ Latino people are over 50% more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic white people American Diabetes Association,


  • In the United States, a total of $176 billion is spent annually on direct costs for diabetes; As much as one third of that will be spent on lower extremity complications (DFU) Driver et al, J Vasc Surg 2010.
  • The cost of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) is greater than that of the five most costly forms of cancer Barshes, et al, Diab Foot Ankle 2013
  • $1 million is spent on every 30 seconds on diabetic foot (DFU) complications in the USA alone Armstrong, et al, NEJM, Barshes, et al, 2013, Skrepnek, et al 2015


  • One third of patients seeking care for ischemic
wounds will die with an unhealed wound
 Elgzyri, et al, Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 2013
  • The relative 5-year mortality rate after limb amputation
is 68%. It is second only to lung cancer, at 86%
 Armstrong, et al, Int’l Wound Journal 2007


  • Diabetes is 4x more common than all forms of cancer combined Diabetic foot (DFU) is more deadly and more costly than cancer